You could also read the slash command descriptions on your client, you know. IT'S NOT MY JOB TO EDUCATE YOU!!!!

Arguments wrapped in [] are optional.

Arguments wrapped in <> are required.



General commands, you get the idea


Learn about the bot. :)


Alias for /info


"Pings" DILF

/game <new-game>

Set's DILF's playing status. Only allowed once per hour.

/topster <lastfm-user> [background-color] [text-color] [title] [period] [show-titles] [show-numbers]

Create a 3x3 Topster chart using data


An interface for Jerkcity/BoneQuest's API

/jerkcity episode <number>

Fetches an episode of Jerkcity by its number

/jerkcity latest

Fetches the latest episode of Jerkcity

/jerkcity random

Fetches a random episode of Jerkcity

/jerkcity search <query>

Searches the Jerkcity API for the given query


Query guild quotes

/q [user] [index]

Query a guild quote. Quotes are added by reacting to messages with 💬


Interact with guild quotes

/quote delete <index>

Delete a quote. Must have manage server permission, be the author of the message, or the user that added the quote

/quote list

Get the guild's list of quotes


User command pertaining to user profiles

/profile init

Create your profile

/profile delete <are-you-sure>

Delete your profile

/profile get

Get a link to your profile on the site

/profile set-timezone <timezone>

Set your timezone


User command for querying tags

/tag <name>

Query a tag


User commands pertaining to tags, AKA custom commands. These are not global, rather being specific to the current guild.

/tags create <name> <content>

Create a tag

/tags update <name> <content>

Update a tag. Limited to the user that created the tag or users with the MANAGE_MESSAGES permission

/tags rename <name> <new-name>

Rename a tag. Limited to the user that created the tag or users with the MANAGE_MESSAGES permission

/tags delete <name>

Delete a tag. Limited to the user that created the tag or users with the MANAGE_MESSAGES permission

/tags list

Link to the guild tag list on the website


User commands pertaining to vanity roles, AKA self-assignable roles. These replace the pronoun commands found in previous iterations of the bot. Roles must be created or imported by a guild administrator before being assignable

/role add <role>

Add a vanity role to yourself

/role remove <role>

Remove a vanity role from yourself

/role list

List all the vanity roles being managed by the bot


Moderator commands pertaining to vanity roles; under their own command because Discord sucks donkey balls. These commands require you to have the manage roles permission on the guild

/roles create <name> [hex]

Create a new Discord role with the given settings and add it to the database

/roles delete <name>

Delete a role from the guild and database.

/roles rename <new-name>

Rename a role. Kind of self-explanatory

/roles setcolor <role> <color>

Update a role's color

/roles import <one> [two] [three] [four] [five]

Import up to 5 existing roles into the database

/roles relinquish <one> [two] [three] [four] [five]

Remove up to 5 roles from the database

/roles fix

Add role names to existing roles in the database; only necessary for guilds using the bot prior to the website update. Exists due to an oversight. Oopsie


Moderator commands for configuring guild settings

/settings quotes set-min-required <minimum>

Set the minimum number of reactions needed to quote a message

/settings quotes toggle <toggled>

Toggle use of quote functionality


User commands for time convenience functionality

/time in [timezone]

Displays the time in the given timezone. Optionally uses the timezone on your configured profile

/time stamp <time> [timezone] [format]

Get a Discord timestamp for the given time. Accepts natural language. Uses your profile timezone, or whatever's given. Accepted formats are t, T, d, D, f, F, R


Moderator commands for configuring the unfortunate egoraptor functionality. **SCROTEGANG only**

/egoraptor toggle <toggled>

Toggle timing users out when they mention egoraptor eating pussy. Requires manage guild permissions

/egoraptor settimeout <seconds>

Sets the length of an egoraptor-related timeout. Requires manage guild permissions


Moderator commands for configuring Mettic's role updater. **SCROTEGANG only**

/mettic toggle <toggled>

Toggle Mettic's role updater. Requires manage guild permissions